If you’re reading this, then you’ve found our new website and blog. Welcome! We’re very proud of our new online home and we hope you’ll visit regularly. It’s a great way to meet our staff and learn about our programs.
Our new site is designed to better serve our parents as well as those looking for a new daycare or preschool for their children. The design very much reflects who we are and what we’re about.
Let’s start with the design…the tagline “It’s Growing Season” and the flower icons represent our commitment to nurturing your children according to their unique needs. The overall feel of the website is open, fresh and fun, which is how we view our center and staff.
Our News page, where you are now, is where we will present topics about the childcare and preschool industries. Our goal is to share helpful information and tips about children during their developmental years. This will also be the place to learn more about our staff and about events at École Maison.
We’ve added several interactive features to the site as well. Interested visitors will be able to sign up for a free tour of our center. We’re especially happy to add our Resources Page. This is where you’ll find our monthly newsletters and our Parent Handbook in case you need to refer to them. Parents of enrolled students can download forms they’ll need, such as the ever important Administration of Medication. Have you changed your mind about who is allowed to pick up your child? Download the Permission to Pick-Up form, fill out and turn it in to the office. Voila, done!
Want to see your children in action? Our Gallery page will highlight them throughout the year. It’s an easy-to-use, event-by-event gallery of photos that will allow parents, friends and family members to see our activities, field trips and other special moments. We think it will be one of the most popular pages on our new site.
While you’re visiting our new online home, we hope you’ll notice the easy navigation. We wanted visitors to have an enjoyable user experience. If there’s a particular piece of content you’re trying to find, you’ll be able to do so using the convenient Search field.
You might also notice our social media icons on the upper right of each page. With social media sites becoming important communication channels, we wanted to make them clearly visible so you can share your thoughts on our Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest pages.
We also encourage you to LIKE and Follow us on our social sites. Please share our content on your own profiles. We’re posting photos and helpful information across our social sites regularly.
We’re very proud of our new online home and its’ fresh feel. We think it captures who we are and what we stand for. It reinforces the idea that École Maison is a community-focused enrichment center where your little ones can grow and be nurtured according to their unique personalities, skills and ways of learning.
That’s who we are…our new website communicates it brilliantly!
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