“École Maison is unlike any other center that I’ve worked in or visited,” comments Angie Blankenship. Ms. Blankenship is the Director at École Maison, and has been for over five years. With that much time in, it’s clear she is committed to her job, and to what this special enrichment center in Hilliard represents. “There’s a vibe here that exudes love and care; it .. Read More
Your little one has started preschool at École Maison. It’s the beginning of their journey through education. As a parent you want your child to progress through preschool to a point where they will be ready for kindergarten. What exactly does being “ready for kindergarten” mean? In realistic terms, it is a pretty vague description. So, as a parent, what exactly should you .. Read More
École Maison believes businesses are at their best when they can partner with each other. We are proud to partner with some of the leading businesses and organizations in the Columbus area. These strategic partnerships help us provide the services and activities we offer to our students. To show our appreciation and thanks, we thought it would be appropriate to highlight our business .. Read More

“I love playing the flute,” writes École Maison’s Toddler I teacher, Tabi Fahner. It’s one of those things that she enjoys doing, but not too many people know about it. “I have played since I was in middle school. I don’t have as much time to pursue this [now] but hopefully I will soon.” The 36 year-old teacher is originally from Columbus. She .. Read More
Kids seem to have more organized activities filling their schedules today than ever before. Organized sports, dancing, martial arts and similar activities all begin at a younger age. We even have organized, scheduled “play-dates” for children. Kids today spend an increased amount of their time getting ready for, driving to and spending time at scheduled events and activities then they did a generation .. Read More
Sleep. It’s something every living thing needs to do. It’s a basic, biological function that we need to survive. It’s so ingrained in our being that we’ve dedicated whole rooms in our homes to it and whole industries have grown up around the need. Yet, as busy adults, we sometimes take sleep for granted and don’t always get the amount we need. As .. Read More
Naureen Sharif describes herself as “a southern lass from Texas,” but her life’s journey has made her much more than that. She was born in Saudi Arabia to parents of Indian descent. At the age of five, her family moved to England where they stayed until Naureen finished school. That’s when the family came to the United States. They settled in Texas where .. Read More